tea or coffee iron absorptiontea served in a traditional mud cup in India

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recently unveiled 17 dietary guidelines aimed at promoting healthier eating habits among Indians. Among these guidelines, one notable recommendation emphasizes moderation in the consumption of tea and coffee.

The Role of Caffeine: Tea or Coffee

Tea or coffee, two popular beverages in India, contain caffeine, a compound that stimulates the central nervous system. The ICMR researchers cautioned against excessive caffeine intake, highlighting its potential to induce physiological dependence.


Understanding Iron Absorption

Iron is an essential mineral responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. However, the presence of tannins in tea and coffee can hinder the body’s ability to absorb iron effectively.

Impact on Health and Well-being

Reduced iron absorption can lead to iron deficiency, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, breathlessness, and pale skin. The ICMR’s recommendation to avoid tea or coffee one hour before and after meals aims to mitigate this risk and ensure adequate iron intake. While moderation is key, the ICMR also suggests alternatives to traditional tea and coffee consumption. For instance, drinking tea without milk may offer additional health benefits, including improved blood circulation and a reduced risk of certain diseases.

In addition to addressing tea and coffee consumption, the ICMR’s dietary guidelines caution against the unnecessary use of protein supplements. These supplements, often marketed as quick fixes for protein intake, may pose risks to kidney and bone health.

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The Importance of a Balanced Diet

Experts emphasize the importance of obtaining protein from natural sources such as legumes, pulses, nuts, and seeds. A balanced diet, coupled with regular physical activity, is essential for meeting the body’s nutritional needs without resorting to artificial supplements.

Recommendations for Optimal Health

To maintain overall health and well-being, individuals are encouraged to adhere to dietary guidelines that prioritize whole foods and nutrient-rich ingredients. By making informed choices and avoiding unnecessary supplements, people can support their long-term health goals.

By adhering to the ICMR’s dietary guidelines and understanding the impact of tea, coffee, and protein supplements on overall health, individuals can make informed choices that promote well-being and vitality. Remember, moderation is key, and a balanced diet remains the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle.

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